Facts and Data about the creeklands and water in Armidale and regioN …


How much water does Armidale use, on average, each day in mid-summer?

The answer, according to our Mayor, is about 14 ML (megalitres or million litres) per day (NB an olympic sized pool holds about 2.5 ML). And in this dry summer of 2019, our city’s consumption rose to 18 ML per day. By March 2019, Malpas dam fell below 60% capacity leading to level 1 restrictions being implemented. By October 2019, it had fallen to 40% and level 5 restrictions had been implemented.

Malpas dam

Malpas dam near Guyra - Armidale’s main water supply.

Malpas dam near Guyra - Armidale’s main water supply.

Malpas dam, built in 1968, has a catchment area of 196 sq km (Water NSW) with a storage capacity of 13,000 ML.

Dumaresq dam

Dumaresq dam - about 13 km upstream of Armidale along Dumaresq Creek.

Dumaresq dam - about 13 km upstream of Armidale along Dumaresq Creek.

Dumaresq dam was built in 1898. It has a catchment area of about 21 sq km (Armidale Regional Council) and a theoretical storage capacity of 440 ML. It is located 13 km upstream from Armidale and intercepts water that would otherwise flow east through Armidale’s Dumaresq creeklands.

Other statistics we would like to know - can you help?

What is the catchment area of Dumaresq Creek at the western edge of Armidale city?

What is the catchment area of Dumaresq Creek at the eastern edge of Armidale city?

What is the land area designated as the Dumaresq Creeklands through Armidale?

What data do we have on water quality over time and along Dumaresq Creek?

If you have facts and information about Armidale’s Dumaresq Creek, why not submit your information using the form below? We really appreciate input from the community that helps us build up our information about the creeklands.


Gathering more information …