
Our Association ...

Visions for Armidale Creeklands Inc formed in July 2017 to enhance the beauty and functionality of Armidale city’s open space along the Dumaresq Creeklands, by encouraging the creation of larger expanses of water as ponds, lakes and/or wetlands throughout the city.
We envisage a well-managed, safe and attractive environment, including in the heart of the CBD, which will see visions of Armidale reflected in water views, whilst allowing for flood mitigation and minimising other environmental risks.
More water features will lead to a better quality of life and more recreational opportunities for all who live in, near or visit this beautiful city as well as provide educational opportunities, encourage tourism and grow the economy. They will allow city-wide reflections in water of the sky and colours of our natural and managed landscapes.

Our intention is for our association is to provide the community with an on-going group which will continue to seek improvements to the creeklands over the long-term.

It is clear that there is no single vision which will please everyone.  We encourage all of the community and any other interested parties to put forward their Vision(s) for improvements to the creekland environment so that we truly reflect the collective Visions of our entire community.

We seek to complement the revegetation and rehabilitation work done since 2001 by the Armidale Urban Rivercare Group (AURG) which has so far planted more than 70,000 native plants along the banks of the creeklands.

Our group had its beginnings back in April, 2002 when about 70 interested people came together to make plans to improve the creeklands.  This task has proved to be challenging not least because it is hard to develop plans that everyone can agree with and that meet the needs of those in various levels of government concerned with waterways, engineering and environmental protection.  It is worthwhile remembering that a citizens group to beautify the Armidale creeklands was formed way back in 1927!  Read more about the history of the creeklands.

Our constitution

To read our constitution, adopted in 2017, please click on this link.