Realising our Visions ...

We look forward to seeing a Working Group of Council formed to help plan the implementation of Stage 1 of the Creeklands Master Plan

Since the announcement in June 2021 of $3m for Stage 1 of the Creeklands Master Plan, we have not learned anything about the next steps to be taken nor how any designs will be created and the process for implementation. This worries your committee.

The number 2 recommendation of the adopted Creeklands Master Plan is: “Working group: Establish an expanded working group of stakeholders (including external or transient organisations or users) to regularly meet to continue project momentum”.

We have made representations to Council suggesting that such a Working Group should include representatives of key community groups and especially those who made submissions to the Creeklands consultants who prepared the Master Plan. These groups include: Visions for Armidale Creeklands Inc, the Armidale Urban Rivercare Group, the Aboriginal Cultural Centre and Keeping Place, the University of New England, Armidale Neighbourhood Watch Group, Stringybark Ecological, Sporting Groups, Fauna and vegetation interests, local government expertise and Sustainable Living Armidale.

Although Council has not yet agreed to our request, we hope that good sense will prevail so that the voices of the community can be heard - especially as Council embarks on spending the $3m awarded for Stage 1 of the agreed Master Plan. We would hate to see Council have to return the money - as was the case recently with a grant made for the hydrotherapy pool!

If you are talking to a Councillor, or a prospective Councillor, why not ask them what their views are about the Armidale Creeklands and the value of community input to the implementation phase of the Plan?