Exciting news ... draft Armidale Creeklands Master Plan released for your comments

We are delighted to let you know that Armidale Regional Council has just released the draft Armidale Creeklands Master Plan for comment by the public. You may know that we have lobbied Council many times over the past two years for its release.

A recent letter to the Administrator, Mr Viv May, from another community group - New England Visions 2030 Institute (NEV2030) - seems to have prompted this most welcome action. Our association acknowledges this valuable intervention by NEV2030 and Mr May.

Now we can all get busy reading the 114 page document and provide feedback to Council by the deadline of 17 September, 2020. Our initial impressions are that it is an impressive document and we wonder why it has been kept ‘under wraps’ for so long - especially since our association was instrumental in getting Council to fund the consultancy in the first place!

Visions for Armidale Creeklands Inc will be liaising with all our members to make sure we take this opportunity to fully reflect on the analysis and many ideas put forward in the draft Plan. The Plan received input from a wide range of organisations, individuals and through community surveys.

If you would like to add your voice to ours, feel free to join us! We recognise that this is only the first major success on our journey to improve our creeklands. There is much still to do to respond, refine ideas and visions and turn them into reality for the benefit of all.

Here you can find Armidale Regional Council’s announcement and download the draft Master Plan.

If you are interested in what our association put forward two years ago, you can read the submission our association made to the consultants back in April 2018.

Since then, our group has been reaching out further to other groups and coming up with more exciting ideas for the future. Without broad community agreement, we might never see the healthy water flowing through our beautiful city that so many of us dream of.

If not you, then who?

If not now, then when?

Why not join us?

Cover page of Armidale Creeklands Master Plan (2018)

Cover page of Armidale Creeklands Master Plan (2018)